I Spy - An Infocom Adventure
Anna's Turn 3b Reply

> wait
the plane drones ever onward

> look
You are inside a giant non-descript military transport plane.
There are doors to the south and east, and a giant cargo door to the north
There are seven people here. There are a few windows along the length of the cargo area. There are several lockers located at the front of the compartment.

> look at people
There are 9 people here Micheal Kerr, Sue Martin, Robert Brennan, Col Robert Hogan Jr., Timothy McHale, Shadowcat, Mr. Chen and [Jack].
Some are reading, some are listening to music, a few are arguing the merits of Hog's vs. Modern Streamlined bikes.

> ignore argument
You successfully ignore the argument.

> think fondly of Vincet motorcycles.
I don't know what you mean.

> wait
the plane drones ever onward

> i
You have:
coffee, and fine coffee it is too
cold weather clothing
a fine watch
a rosary
various telescopes,
a police scanner (highly modified)
a bible
a micro-miniature radio transmitter disguised as a gold cross necklace
a lighter
more cash than you can use here
various scientific journals
2 karma points

> read journals

> read telescope
you can't read that.

> wait
the plane drones ever onward

> look
You are inside a giant non-descript military transport plane.
There are doors to the south and east, and a giant cargo door to the north
There are seven people here. There are a few windows along the length of the cargo area. There are several lockers located at the front of the compartment.

> look window
It's a glorious window. Beautifully round and functional.

> look out window.
A gorgeous view presents itself for your appreciation. You can see New Zealand fading into the distance.

> wait
the plane drones ever onward

>forget about going in as research scientists.

> wait
the plane drones ever onward

> look Shadowcat
Shadow cat is engrossed in some electronic device, she has a pair of duffel bags at her feet.

> wait
the plane drones ever onward

> wait
your not going to get there until you do the thing you need you need to do.

> register email address a_baragli@yahoo.com

BOOM, a loud explosion rocks the plane.
People run to and fro, fro and to.

> fly plane
You can't fly the plane, you don't know how.

> suspect sabotage
how do you suspect sabotage

> look out window
You're above the cloud layer, clouds stretch from horizon to horizon. It's a gorgeous view, but you can't see the ground.

> pray
You run through a quick hail Mary

> open lockers
You rummage through the storage lockers:
They contain survival gear.

> get survival gear
You get food, an arctic sleeping bag and a tent.

> distribute survival gear
Anyone not panicking, and not dealing with the emergency gets survival gear from you.

> get survival gear
You get food, an arctic sleeping bag and a tent. You are now carrying enough for two. You are heavily loaded.

> drop journals
what a relief.

> get survival gear
You can't carry any more.

> wait
Some of the more action oriented people are trying to coming up with a plan.

> wear cold weather clothing.
You put on your parka.

> wait
Eureka! They've got it.

> follow plan
Well done.

You're safely on the ground.

> look
You see snow covered fields in every direction
There are nine people here. There is snow here. You can go in any direction.

>look snow
The snow is light and fluffy and loosely packed. It stretches off to infinity.
There is no yellow snow at this time.

> make camp
you set up a tent.

> make fire
you make a small fire.

> make coffee
You whip out a French press and begin making some coffee

> drink coffee
Mmm mmm good.

> share coffee

> wait